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The West Australian
- Island’s age-old secrets revealed (PDF)
- Turning pages of Aztec story (PDF)
The Australian
Calgary Herald
Dallas Morning News
Edmonton Journal
Globe and Mail
JAX FAX travel marketing magazine
Montreal Gazette
New Zealand Herald
- If you go down to the woods (PDF)
- Taking a Meal to New Heights (PDF/On-line)
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
Stars and Stripes
- Divine Inspiration (PDF-1 and 2 / On-line)
- Croatia: Annual truffle festival explains what the stink is all about (on-line)
- Ski cheap in Switzerland’s sunny Valais region (on-line)
Toronto Star
- Three Swiss ski resorts that don’t break the bank (PDF)
- Dubrovnik’s summer playground (PDF)
- BC Spots Help Olympic Crowds Relax (PDF/On-line)
Vancouver Province
- Go for Peak Performance (PDF/ On-line)
- Wining, Dining and Golfing in Kelowna (PDF/On-line)
Vancouver Sun
- Great Ocean Walk full of natural beauty (PDF)
- Palm Springs? But I don’t golf (PDF-1, PDF-2)
- Seeking Serenity (PDF- page 1, PDF-page 2)
- A Frugal Way to Experience the Big Island (PDF)
- Island Resort an Oasis of Calm (PDF/On-line)
- Oak Bay Beach Hotel rises again in style (PDF/On-line)
Victoria Times Colonist
- Happy Campers in Hawaii: Rent a van and hit the road on the Big Island (PDF)
- Take a Stand on Paddle Boarding (PDF/On-line)
- Grizzlies and Cariboo beauty highlight trip (Pageview/PDF/On-line)
- Face to face with drama of the Dolomites PDF/On-line)
- Yellow Point Lodge (PDF/On-line)
- Port Alberni; mill town to playground PDF/On-line)
- Back roads to bliss (PDF/On-line)
- Small is Beautiful; a closer look at the Gulf Islands (PDF/On-line)
- Friends Get Together and Build a Ski Resort (PDF/On-line)
- On track for Christmas; rail trip ensures snowy scenes (PDF/On-line)
- Getting it right; Ucluelet, B.C. (PDF/On-line)
- Olympic Dreams; paradise in Washington State (PDF/On-line)
- So long skiing (PDF/On-line)
- Home for the Holiday: Swapping houses for vacation (PDF/On-line)
Winnipeg Free Press
- Happy Hawaii Campers (PDF)
Boulevard magazine (Vancouver, Victoria, Okanagan, Vancouver Island)
Canadian Geographic Travel
- Broken Group Islands: Exploring a Marine Playground (PDF)
Cruise & Travel Lifestyles
- A Passion for Patagonia (PDF)
- Staying Places- Tweedsmuir Park Lodge (PDF)
- Staying Places – Magnolia Hotel & Spa (PDF)
Jax Fax Travel Marketing
- The Croatia you don’t know (PDF)
More magazine (Canada)
Northwest Travel
- From Coal to Culture (on-line)
- Seeing More of the Mediterranean (on-line)
Tweed magazine
Up! magazine
Victoria Boulevard
- Port Townsend, Washington (Page View)
- Charlevoix, Quebec (PDF/On-line)
- Tulip Time in the Skagit Valley (PDF/On-line)
Western Living
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